
7 Ways to Improve Air Conditioner Efficiency

Believe it or not, Denver, CO broke heat records this past summer, seeing temperatures over 90 degrees a total seventy-four times. With such consistently high temperatures on the rise, it is very important to take every measure to be as prepared for the heat as you can be this summer, starting with an energy-efficient air conditioner.

With that said, your air conditioner may indeed be working, but it could also be operating far under capacity. For example, perhaps you notice your power bills getting higher, your thermostat cycling a bit too often, or your AC unit making strange sounds. None of these are things to let go ignored.

So, to help you stay cool and save money this summer, here are a few simple tricks to make sure you have the most reliable air conditioner efficiency and how you can improve air conditioner efficiency.

HVAC technician working on a capacitor part for condensing unit.

1. Clear Your Indoor Vents

Maintaining airflow is one of the most crucial ways to prevent stuffy, hot air in your home. To facilitate this, your vents should be as unblocked and unclogged as possible. Dust, pet hair, and various airborne debris all build up faster than you might think, so consistent vacuuming of your vents’ air filters is absolutely essential.

You may also want to re-arrange some furniture to ensure that nothing too large sits in the way of your vents or blocks them. Investing in a high-quality air filter can also be very beneficial for your home’s airflow.

2. Be Wary of Heat-Producing Appliances

Using your oven or dryer can quickly make a hot day much hotter. An oven’s heat rises, and your dryer quite literally sucks warm air into your home, so you should stay conscious of using either during the day’s hottest hours.

Also, your thermostat should not be close to such devices, lamps included. This can cause it to overcompensate in response to the heat these items produce, making your AC unit work harder than it should.

3. Close Doors and Cover Windows

It might seem like a no-brainer, but the cold air that is filling your home should not be escaping! Should you ever need to keep a door or window open for an extended stretch of time, be sure to turn your AC unit off first to keep from wasting energy.

Still, even if your windows are closed, the sunlight of a hot summer day can rapidly warm up any indoor space. Drawing curtains, shades, or drapes over your windows will always be a helpful way to fight back that heat.

4. Increase Your Thermostat’s Temperature

All manner of factors can keep indoor air temperature constantly fluctuating in response to the day’s heat. Thus, it’s best to keep your thermostat prepared for exactly that. As the months get warmer, you should actually raise your thermostat’s temperature by approximately 5 degrees (or rather, to the highest comfortable temperature).

This might seem counter-productive for a hot day, but it will actually keep your AC unit from overexerting to maintain an untenable temperature. In the end, this will save you money and energy as you tend to alternate means of keeping your home cool.

5. Clear Your Drain Line

Right above your furnace, your AC system should have an indoor cooling coil, and right next to that cooling coil should be your AC system’s drain. If this drain becomes blocked for any reason, it can mean serious problems for your air conditioner.

Pour one cup of chlorine bleach down the AC drain, then rinse it with water. This should be enough to keep your drain line clear throughout the course of the entire summer. It also pays to make sure that your outdoor drain lines aren’t covered with any dirt or mulch.

6. Insulate Your Home’s Ductwork

Most of us don’t find much reason to be roaming around our attics all that often, let alone during the summer. However, in those unconditioned spaces, the occasional leak is bound to happen.

A careful inspection of the ductwork running through your attic will ensure whether you are experiencing any leaks. Should you detect any, you can seal them yourself using special duct-sealing tape.

If you find or suspect a leak, take action. Consult professional HVAC services, as they might more accurately pinpoint the problem and use high-grade material to repair the leaks and insulate the ducts.

7. Schedule Regular Maintenance

Many air conditioners simply become less efficient as they age, and such deterioration can become quite a financial burden if left unchecked for too long. As we go about our busy lives, it can be hard to stay vigilant about these things, but a quick check can save you much inconvenience and headache in the end.

Air conditioner manufacturers recommend re-tooling your AC unit once a year, preferably before the hottest months arrive. The cost of annual maintenance might seem daunting at first, but it will almost certainly save you from the burden of having to replace too many damaged parts at once.

Air Conditioner Efficiency

If your AC unit still seems to be running inefficiently after you have given it the care and attention it demands, then now is not the time to hesitate. Like it or not, the hottest weather is still on its way and you do not want to risk going without a way to stay cool!

Your air conditioner efficiency is our primary concern. Whether you need a simple repair or a replacement, contact us today, and we can get to the root of your problem at whatever time works for you and help you beat the heat.