
7 Signs Your Furnace Needs Repair

Do you have concerns that your furnace isn’t working at full capacity?

While it may be nothing, having your furnace go on the fritz in the middle of winter is not something you want to risk.

So if you notice any of the following seven tell-tale signs that your furnace is struggling, you’ll want to call in the experts for furnace repair.

1. Low or No Heat

Has your home felt colder lately even though you haven’t changed the thermostat at all? The best-case scenario is that your thermostat is the issue. And getting a new one is not a big deal.

Then again, the problem might be something bigger, such as leaking ductwork. If your furnace is producing little to no heat whatsoever, regardless of your thermostat settings, that’s a sure sign that it’s not just the thermostat.

Leaking ductwork allows the treated air to escape and the problem requires your attention. Don’t hesitate to schedule a repair.

2. Carbon Monoxide Detector Keeps Getting Tripped

One of the first things you want to look at when you start noticing issues with your gas furnace is the pilot light. If your furnace is “healthy,” it will be burning blue. This means the gas combination in your furnace is ideal.

If your pilot light is yellow, on the other hand, that indicates that the gases are out of balance. Not only is this hard on your furnace, but it could be dangerous. That yellow color may mean you have excess carbon monoxide.

Your furnace has a carbon monoxide detector that will alert you to the presence of any toxic gases. If your detector gets tripped or goes off, it’s crucial you turn the furnace off immediately and ventilate your home by opening the windows.

You’ll need to reach out to a 24 hour furnace repair and the gas company to figure out the source of the gas. And schedule an assessment for your furnace right away so you can get the necessary repairs as soon as possible.

3. Higher Heating Bills

One of the most obvious signs that your furnace is working extra hard is when you start noticing that it’s almost always running. And that means that when your heating bill shows up, it’s going to be substantially higher.

Your furnace is designed to keep a certain temperature within your home at all times. So if it’s no longer efficient enough to heat up your home, it will run longer and burn up more energy.

It’s sad to say, but this is a sign that your furnace is on its last leg.

4. Drafts and Condensation

Drafts are almost a given in older homes or those with inefficient windows. But if they’re constant, chances are your furnace is no longer heating your entire house any longer.

Check for ice on your roof too. Ice forms when the snow melts on your roof. But if the snow is melting on your roof but not your neighbor’s (or anyone else’s house on the street), that means the heat is leaking up through your attic and not staying confined to the living areas where you want it.

Condensation on the insides of your windows does not necessarily mean there’s an issue with your furnace. But it does warrant a call to a professional to take a look at your system.

5. Age

The average lifespan of a furnace is between 15 and 20 years. So if you’ve had your furnace for 15 years or fewer, then chances are age is not the issue. However, you’ll want to keep up with proper maintenance suggested by the manufacturer’s specifications.

A furnace that is 15 years old or older, you’ll want to start listening for any odd sounds. While HVAC systems can make strange noises just by default, if you notice unusual squeaks, pops or rattling, there could be something loose in your unit that needs to be repaired or replaced.

In addition, any unusual smells should be taken very seriously. If you notice strange smells, don’t hesitate to call a qualified technician. He or she will diagnose the problem and give you a ballpark estimate of how much longer you can expect your furnace to last.

6. The Need for Frequent Repairs

The last two years of a furnace’s life is when it needs the most repairs. So if you’ve tallied up a hefty bill on repairs in the past few years, it’s highly likely you’re looking at the need for a new one.

While you can continue to repair your furnace until it no longer runs, you may want to do the math to determine whether continuing to pay out for repairs is as cost-efficient in the long run as buying a new one.

And by all means, if the repair cost is more than 50% the cost of a new furnace, opt instead for a new furnace.

7. Poor Air Quality

Next time you’re sitting in a sunny room in your home, take a look at the dust that’s floating in the air. If it seems excessive, it could be that your system is starting to fail.

An efficient furnace system will filter out dirt, bacteria, and other foreign particles from the air before sending it throughout your home. Along with more dust in the air and on surfaces, another sure sign of a poorly maintained system is the presence of more frequent coughs, colds, or other respiratory ailments among the members of your family.

Furthermore, if you or someone in your home is sensitive to allergies, you’ll see an increase in itchiness, watery eyes, and headaches.

On rare occasions, simply replacing the filter will do the trick. Chances are, however, you’ll need to have your ductwork or unit professionally cleaned.

Are You in Need of Furnace Repair?

If you’re noticing any of the above signs that your furnace isn’t performing at its optimal level, then don’t hesitate to schedule a furnace repair.

Contact us today to speak with an HVAC expert. He or she will address your problems and provide the perfect solution to bring warmth and comfort back into your home.